Relfections of 2022

Pausing to Reflect on The Lessons & Blessings of 2022

As I look ahead to 2023, I’m pausing to reflect on the lessons and blessings of 2022. Life has been great, as I move through delivering two coaching programs to diverse leaders at the largest Canadian bank. Doing exactly what I have always wanted to do – to have an impact on diverse leaders (women and ethnic minorities) high potential leaders.

But you know what happened? I crashed.

I felt overwhelmed as I added the extra stress of not making an error.  Yes, this can look like perfectionism but truly it is living in a heightened state of less room to make a mistake.

This is my story, as it is that of many other women of culture

Kanchan Prinsloo reflecting in her office

On a personal level

Our daughter was getting married. We were hosting all our family, siblings, nieces/nephews, and partners. A wonderful big family event. And that brought on the need to ‘do it right’. Making it unique for her, having my family connect for the first time in 3 years, and making it special for all.

Lastly, supporting my husband who was making a career change after seven years, which was all good but still an emotional change. 

Kanchan with her husband

The impact of all that was that I found myself at my lowest – which for me shows up as being more in my head, moving less and eating more. A spiral pattern of not feeling good about myself. 

At my lowest, this is what my coach said to me….

“Be active in living a created life.” Boom!

I was reacting to life and not creating it. I know AND coach on this to other leaders. How could I have missed this?

As women of culture, we encounter many landmines. For me there were two main ones:

  • Not allowing myself to mess up or make errors
  • Taking on excess responsibility for family  

Luckily (and thanks to my coach), my wisdom would remind me to engage actively in having a created life.

So how have I ended the year?

My created life now includes making healthy choices:

  1. Owning my truth
  • Sharing with others how I’m doing, how I’m really doing such as struggles
  • I needed to have a physical change of scenery as my structures ran deep
  • I liked having things done so well that everyone commented on it

2. Check to see what old stories I’m holding onto and releasing with kindness

  • Do I need to be the only one responsible for the family?
  • What does success look like for me? And the client?
  • How is my body? What is it telling me?

The second half of 2022 looked very different

I created space and was able to travel and work virtually for an extended period. This brought back my love of being curious, I lifted myself up to see more of the world which energizes me. I was also able to start sharing more of what was going on within instead of bottling it up.

Reflect on 2022

One truth I now hold is, the more I slow down the more I achieve. 2022 has given me the gift to learn more about building a created life. I’m happy to say with the learning from last year I am excited for 2023.

Wishing you a created 2023!

Kanchan Prinsloo

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